A while back, you had asked about words or expressions used at Beth hell. I immediately thought of one that I had heard of on this board.
Monkey butts. I had been enjoying them for years and never knew their "Brooklyn" name.
my book is going to my editor this week.
just a few lose ends to deal with.. does anyone here knows what has happen to any of the following ex-bethelities and hopefully ex-jehovah's witnesses.
mark bivins.
A while back, you had asked about words or expressions used at Beth hell. I immediately thought of one that I had heard of on this board.
Monkey butts. I had been enjoying them for years and never knew their "Brooklyn" name.
well 55 yo this summer times flies.. was in my late thirties when i started thinking about getting braces or some other treatment for my crowded teeth.
decided to put it off a few years later as 'the new system' ™ was right around the corner.
then went through a huge burn out depression and my teeth became a lesser priority.
There are dentists and there are denturists. You only want to deal with a qualified specialist who does quality work. If you need dentures, ask to see the denturist's work. Before and after shots. Some are artists, some definately are not. A person who is a qualified denturist will make you look spectatular, if that is the degree of their work. If they don't care, well the worst set I ever saw, a sister smiled... and she looked like she had asked for white paino keys... and that is exactly what she got. They had no depth, just flat piano keys. Do NOT ask for white piano keys!
Just this past week, I went into an art shop and the lady behind the till must have asked her dentist for the biggest, fattest fake teeth because that is what she got. Big rounded robust. They did not fit her face at all. They looked man size and even on a large man, they would not have been pretty or handsome.
A good denturist will take the time to look at your facial colouring and then you together will decide on which white color to go with. There are so many different colors and depths of white. Don't just say, white.
Do NOT say: Just make them like my old teeth... especially if your natural teeth are uneven, chipped, bad color or WORN. Yes, some adults teeth are soft and through the years, get worn down, so that when you smile... all you see is a dark hole... with no teeth showing. No teeth showing... looks like you are toothless. Not the look you want.
Also, some people as they age, get gum recession. So if you say, Make my dentures like my old teeth, if the denturist takes you at your word (after all you are the one paying him) he will make you dentures that when you smile... all you see are white teeth with no gums. That is not natural and looks odd.
I have witnessed a young adult man with rotten teeth, go from too embarressed to smile, and after picking the correct denturist, come out blossoming with the most beautiful smile. Afterward, he looked like a regular, handsome young man and you would never guess his teeth were false. If your dentist or denturist does not give spectacular results, before you start, go to a number of dentists and or denturists and look at their work.
If you have a chance to read this, thank you with all my heart Deborah. I can't imagine the enormous pressure and stress you have had to deal with these past few years with your husband being so ill and then his painful death and the loneliness that followed.
You followed through like a trooper and saw Ray's book completed and put back on the shelf for everyone to benefit from. Reading his book is what woke me up. I am forever grateful to him and now you to help fellow naive ones wake up to WT lies also.
My sincere condolences in the death of your precious and beloved husband.
Hugs of sympathy and concern for you in your widowhood.
my dad died 2 weeks ago on sunday.
i will miss him so much.
he was the funniest most greatest man i have ever known.. granted for the first 30 years i wasnt that much keen on him and i don't think he was on me much either.....let me explain.. mum and dad met in 1964, mum was the prettiest girl in the town, mini skirts, raised hair, the daintiest figure, she looked the spit of audrey hepburn at breakfast at tiffanys.
So very sorry to hear of your loss ScottyRex. Hugs of concern and sympathy to you and to all of your family. My deepest condolences.
well 55 yo this summer times flies.. was in my late thirties when i started thinking about getting braces or some other treatment for my crowded teeth.
decided to put it off a few years later as 'the new system' ™ was right around the corner.
then went through a huge burn out depression and my teeth became a lesser priority.
Take care of your teeth.
Where ever you live, shop around first, go in, talk to the front office, ask questions, ask about prices for a first visit which will consider what needs to be done to give you the best smile, within your budget.
Is the front office friendly? Do they have well cared for teeth? A bright smile? How do the other patients in the waiting room look?
Look around at his front entry and office patient area. Is everything clean, neat and orderly?
Do you feel comfortable, confident, secure that that particular office, doctor will give you a high level of care and a high quality of work?
Does this dental office have the latest equipment?
Is everything computerized?
Shop around. Go to several dental offices and book the one that you feel will give you the highest level of care. An excellent dentist takes pride in his work. Do not settle for second best.
You only have one set of natural teeth. Having crooked teeth is not a problem for anyone of any age. I actually think it is charming to see an older person wearing invisible braces. ( I am sorry but only backward people think they should get their teeth pulled. There are so many alternatives available but you have to avail yourself of a qualified dentist first).
There are so many modern advantaces available to you.
PM me if you have any questions.
hi friends one and all i just thought i would let you know it`s our 57th wedding anniversary today .
and we are setting off this morning for 3 nights in eden nsw i think it has more to offer than the one in genesis.. with a bit { or a lot } of luck we will make our fortune .
have a good day everybody.
Another belated Happy Anniversary to the Smiddy's.
Congratulations to you both.
my boyfriend, who is a disfellowshipped jehova's witness, asks me to study the bible for 3 months or he won't marry me (i'm a muslim woman).
he loves me and really wants to marry me but he is doing a passive blackmailing: if i don't study for 3 months, 1 time per week, in my home country, and without him, there will be no marriage... as a muslim, i believe the bible is god's word so i look at the bible from time to time and would be happy to study with him.
but the fact that he is kind of saying "study the bible or bye bye no marriage" is really hurtful.
MuslimWoman: Your (sorry) boyfriend is a loser. In his congregation he will gain status that HE "brought" a Muslim woman into what they call "the truth" (trademark/lie) of his religion. Very, very few, as you know, Muslims convert to a Christian religion. You are playing with fire. As you know it is against your religion to become a convert outside of the Muslim community. You will lose your status as you know it, to become his bragging point... that is one reason he is being unreasonable.
Haven't you asked yourself, why he hasn't found himself a nice woman in his own religion? Those who know him, obviously do not want him enough to bend to whatever he thinks they must do to have the dubious honor of being his wife.
Run. Run. Run now while you have the chance. He is showing signs of having a manipulate personality, already. He is not showing kindness or any understanding.
How has he shown you that he cares for you? Even loves you? Would you marry a man that did not love you?
You want to come to America? Once you are here, then what? Will you bring all of your family over for a visit or for eventual immigration or will you be stranded by yourself, looking to your husband as your only means of love, help and support? You cannot work and make money right away. Does he make enough or will he call you a burden and worse?
You do not know him. Your emotions and hormones and maybe watching too much American TV is what is giving you excitement at all the possibilities that can unfold for you. But what if that is all an illusion?
Why do you think he is that one "Mr Wonderful" for you?
How old are you? Are you educated? What were your goals growing up? How do you view your future? If you are honest with yourself, would you endure whatever good or bad will come with marrying this man? Do you believe at your age that this is your one and only chance to get to the USA only through this man?
good evening , .
i feel like i am going crazy - it’s so hard not being able to talk to the ones i love about how i really feel - meaning the “ truth “ is a big lie and a big waste of time.
it’s so weird - i can’t talk to my wife , or kids about how i really feel and it’s causing me probalms that i recognize.
You are still at home, head of the house (per WT rules). Use it to your advantage.
Teach your children science and logic. Plan trips to natural history museums. Los Angeles has one full of dinosaurs. LaBrea Tar Pits too. There is one in Alberta, Canada also. (Don't know where you live).
Get them interested in astronomy. How many light years planets are away from earth. Tell them the people who have computed the answers have studied for years in their field.
Earth sciences, the study of tree rings, geology and studying rocks and learning how they were made and the forces behind that from events that happened thousands of years ago. Mexico and New Mexico have wonderous caves full of exotic formations and crystals. Can you look at available videos of volcanoes and caves and anything of special interest to them and you watch them all together?
Physics is fun. Help them learn.
You can teach them science and math while cooking and baking (and eating the results) while all together in the kitchen.
Make your precious time with your children something enjoyable, that they will treasure in their future when they think of you.
Win your family through love and kindness.
Be gentle with them. You picked their mother. You both picked the same religion. They picked neither. They are stuck in the middle.
Hugs. We all know this is hard for you. Please keep posting and venting.
does anyone know where i can get a pdf version of this book?
i’ve always wanted a physical copy but those seem really hard to come by, and if you look online they’re super expensive.
thank you.. -jules.
Just like there are over eager members of JW..Borg in medical personnel at hospitals and doctors offices, snopping through files to "catch" erring ones having or had abortions, STD's and or blood transfusions... There are also over eager Jdubs in the library system, systematically getting rid of any reading material that might shine a true light on their precious (rotten to the core) religion.
My 2 cents. Do NOT take it to the library.
not being a witness has been a plus for my sex life.
what about you!
A story I heard from a reliable source.
Both virgins. Wedding night. Nothing happens. He yells at her to shut up and go to sleep. That he is tired. Not even one kiss. She cried herself to sleep.
Very early the next morning, she overheard a phone call her new husband was making. She over heard him say... You know I am not interested in women no matter what they look like. You know I like young males. The person he was speaking to said: You know you have to poke her or else she might leave.
So with no kissing, no anything, he poked her from behind... thus she became a JDub wife and felt she had no choice but to stay.